
Good Evening Fantastic 4,

I decided to blog a little tonight and I searched for information on childhood obesity in North Carolina and I found that on the Duke Children’s Hospital and Health Center website that one in three children in North Carolina are overweight and suffer health problems, poor quality of life, and social isolation. I never would have guessed this. This is really shocking to me. What do you guys think?


2 thoughts on “Statistics

  1. It is very shocking to me as well. Many children suffer from being overweight daily and those who have parents that feed them whatever they want are hindering them in the process. There are many children that are diagnosed with high blood pressure or diabetes. These type of children become insecure and are picked on at school.
    A. Rigsbee


  2. I think this is absolutely horrible! The statistic one in three children is obese needs to change. that statistic is unacceptable. Children should eat more fruits and vegetables rather than fast foods and unhealthy snacks.

    C Baysmore


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