“Supersize Me”


Have you guys seen the documentary “Supersize Me”? I think it a great documentary to watch regarding adults eating fast foods (McDonalds in particular) and gaining weight and getting sick from eating the food everyday. This is a great documentary in regard to adult obesity. I do believe that adults should watch what they eat in front of their children in order to encourage them to eat healthier.

North Carolina Childhood Obesity

Afternoon Fantastic Four,

I obtained the following data from Alliance for a Healthier Generation.

– North Carolina has the 23rd highest childhood obesity rate in the United States. Currently 31.4% of youth in North Carolina are overweight or obese.

-Obese children are more likely to become obese adults. And if you’re overweight as a child, your obesity in adulthood is likely to be more severe. So the changes you make now can help your state provide the next generation with the most opportunities to live a longer and healthier life.



Evening guys,

I just read an article on Fox News in regards to childhood obesity. A new study led by Columbia University scientists suggests two possible causes of childhood obesity: taking antibiotics during pregnancy and getting a Cesarean section.

The research, published online in International Journal of Obesity, found that children who were exposed to antibiotics during the second or third trimester of pregnancy had a higher risk of obesity at age 7. This is pretty interesting.
